We left New York on Sunday March 24th. Here's the boat. Royal Carribean Explorer of the Seas.
Our suite was on the 9th deck on the opposite side of the boat. (I always called it a boat, it pi$$ed off
everyone on the crew when they heard it

Two days at sea. First day we stopped was at St. maarten. Joanne shopped all day, I sat in a beach bar
all afternoon with a priest friend who was on the cruise with us. I watched the women in bikinis,

don't know
what he watched.
Second stop was in Antiqua. Joanne shopped all day, I sat in a beach bar all afternoon with a hot rod buddy from
home who was on the cruise with us. We both watched the women in bikinis.
Third stop was at Dominica. We went tubing on the Kaliel river all morning. I floated along in an inner tube and
watched the women in bikinis. (hmmmmm, I'm beginning to see a pattern developing.........)
Forth stop was Barbados. We went zip lining in Barbados. Talk about a great time!! Almost as good as
sitting in a beach bar all afternoon and watching women in bikinis.
Here I am crossing a canyon on the zip line.
The Canyon was about 100' deep. They have only mini canyons in Barbados
Fat Guy....I know.
Fifth stop was St. Thomas, this is becoming a kind of a blur...........
Sixth stop was St. Kitts. Went snorkeling in the morning, I watched women underwater in bikinis. Joanne shopped all
aftern......... on second thought see any afternoon on one the first three stops.
Seventh stop was San Juan PR. I got a little PR Flag to hang on the rear view mirror of my car. May not stop a
car jacking but can't hurt. Right?
Two days a sea coming home. Got into New York Friday at 7 AM but couldn't get off the boat until 11:30
due to a power failure in the Bayonne port terminal. That was really the only fly in the ointment in the entire
two weeks.
It was a great vacation. Everyone should try it at least once.