Okay, thought I'm hop over here, log in twice so I can post a thread real quick like.
Carol is doing GREAT this week. Tuesday her head was a bit hot for most of the day. She's had a little bit of dizzyness but all in all she is doing wonderful. She went wilh be last night to pool league and didn't even get tired. She can drive now, YIPPPEEEE. She went out this morning and got some things done so I woulnd't have too. She went and visited some friends also. Instead of letting her hair fall out, she it going to have it cut off tomorrow instead of clogging up the drains. She's heard alot of people say not to do it as many have been told it'll fall out, but then does not, but the doc said IT WILL FALL OUT by next week, and he is 110% sure of it because of the new drug. So tomorrow might be an issue, she's tough, but a hair cut like Demi Moore might not be as easy as she thinks it will be, but anyways I took a vaction day to be with her tomorrow !!