Has anyone else noticed?
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Author:  RICK MILLER [ Dec Tue 11, 2007 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Has anyone else noticed?

How FAR the value of our dollar has dropped? :shock:

In 2001 I went to Canada and the exchange rate was 67%. Now it's -2% :(

Author:  underdog [ Dec Tue 11, 2007 1:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes I monitor it everyday as we do business with Canada, today it's at -1%. It not just the US dollar dropping, it's the Canada dollar going up as well. It's good and bad. It's good for our quotes and future business as the Candian shops can't compete with the 20% increase, but bad as the parts they make are now 20% more expensive to make and it's hurting them very very bad right now, also the damn Chinese raised the price of Magnesium by $1 a lb..............Not good, it has drove 4 Mag shops out of business in the past two months.

Author:  BT Race Cars [ Dec Tue 11, 2007 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just read an article in the paper that said they are now the most expensive place for the big three to build cars, so maybe they will move that production back to the USA and help us autoworkers out. 8)

:lol: Hey a guy can dream cant he?

Author:  RICK MILLER [ Dec Tue 11, 2007 1:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

BT Race Cars wrote:
I just read an article in the paper that said they are now the most expensive place for the big three to build cars, so maybe they will move that production back to the USA and help us autoworkers out. 8)

:lol: Hey a guy can dream cant he?

PLEASE!!! Put the crackpipe down and back slowly away! :roll:

Author:  darlagiles [ Dec Tue 11, 2007 3:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

BT Race Cars wrote:
I just read an article in the paper that said they are now the most expensive place for the big three to build cars, so maybe they will move that production back to the USA and help us autoworkers out. 8)

:lol: Hey a guy can dream cant he?

PLEASE!!! Put the crackpipe down and back slowly away! :roll:
:lol: :lol:

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