Your never gonna beilieve this!
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Author:  nova68-10.5 [ Aug Fri 31, 2007 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Your never gonna beilieve this!

After a long hiatus! the 68 nova is being loaded on the trailer to go to the racetrack this will be the first time since 2003 I will not be spraying it just going to make some shakedown passes! hopefully i'll be able to post some pics and ets when i return on monday! also would like to thank everyone here who has helped and inspiered me! Have a good labor day weekend!

Author:  GEARJAMMER EXPRESS [ Aug Fri 31, 2007 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your never gonna beilieve this!

nova68-10.5 wrote:
After a long hiatus! the 68 nova is being loaded on the trailer to go to the racetrack this will be the first time since 2003 I will not be spraying it just going to make some shakedown passes! hopefully i'll be able to post some pics and ets when i return on monday! also would like to thank everyone here who has helped and inspiered me! Have a good labor day weekend!

Glen where are you going, I may be going to Lapeer for my shake down tomorrow. call me 313-475-4243

By the way dont forget we start bowling next friday :)

Author:  nova68-10.5 [ Sep Tue 04, 2007 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

well it was not what I was hoping for but it was a start my engine is camshaft and geared for a fairly large nitrous hit so here goes 1st pass .050r/t 1.743 60 7.495 @95.50 1/8th 11.709@115.06 second pass 11.70 dial .065r/t1.77 60 7.446@96.71 1/8th 11.727 @108.64 I was on and off the gas past 1000 ft on this run still lost gave him the stripe these passes were leaving on the foot brake and shifting both gears @ 7500rpm 3rd pass.150 r/t 11.774 60 7.488 @96.98 11.586@118.19 First time with trans brake rolled in a little deep staging the car & shifted both gears @ 8000 rpm dialin 11.57 r/t-.006 1.742 7.540@96.52 11.645@117.91 car pulled the front end off the ground and starteld me so i got out of it for a split second before the 60' I have plans to remove the carb spacer and plate to get some more torqe and am switching to some 275/60/15 drag radials to stop growth and add some gear to the car & shift @ 8500 next time out to hopefully see a big improvement .............................Glenn

Author:  GEARJAMMER EXPRESS [ Sep Tue 04, 2007 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats a good start Glen, at least you got to make a full pass well I guess I kinda did.

I made a total of 6 passes and here are the averages for the day.

Tire spinning 1.57 60', 1/8 mile 7.33 @ 91.98 mph, 1/4 mile 12.74 @ 69 mph, no you didn't read it wrong.

Once it hooked and I shifted at 6350 RPM's and it fell on it's face out of gas about 250' from te 1/8 mile.

So my project is to find a fuel pump with some volume which the Holly Blue doesn't have :( so I can make a full pass.

Author:  underdog [ Sep Tue 04, 2007 3:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to hear you've been out, that must feel great :D

Author:  GEARJAMMER EXPRESS [ Sep Tue 04, 2007 3:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

underdog wrote:
Glad to hear you've been out, that must feel great :D

It did Brian even if I couldn't make a full pass we had a great time and just think this is a stock BBC just wait till I have some S&K power next year :)

Author:  BT Race Cars [ Sep Tue 04, 2007 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

WOW I Must be all washed up.
:cry: Nobody even called to tell me they were going to the track. :evil:
glad you both finally made it out. :wink:

Author:  $$$Pitt [ Sep Tue 04, 2007 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

It must feel good to be out ,I can't wait. congrat's and good luck to you guy's 8) 8)

Author:  1KWIK72 [ Sep Wed 05, 2007 6:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats a good start Glen, at least you got to make a full pass well I guess I kinda did.

I made a total of 6 passes and here are the averages for the day.

Tire spinning 1.57 60', 1/8 mile 7.33 @ 91.98 mph, 1/4 mile 12.74 @ 69 mph, no you didn't read it wrong.

Once it hooked and I shifted at 6350 RPM's and it fell on it's face out of gas about 250' from te 1/8 mile.

So my project is to find a fuel pump with some volume which the Holly Blue doesn't have :( so I can make a full pass.

Phil I am fairly suprised to hear the Holley blue couldn't keep up. Mine fed both my old 406 that ran 10.20s and the new 18° 406 that made 743hp and runs 9.70s I even ran the old motor through the stock 3/8 line from the stock tank. With the new motor I did switch to a 1/2" line. I was told I was having fuel supply issues last season when the car started poping at high RPM so I went out and bought a huge Areomotive pump that could probably double as a sump pump lol. Needless to say the pump didn't fix anything it ended up being a bad spark plug. The car didn't run any better with the new pump and actually the holley fuel pressure seemed to be more stable just my $ .02


P.S. glad to hear you got the car out though thats half the battle

Author:  GEARJAMMER EXPRESS [ Sep Thu 06, 2007 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Craig, I did have a fuel pump issue that I'm ashamed of :oops: but it's under control now so we'll see what my real numbers are september 15th at the Royal Pontiac Milan morning. :wink: :wink:

1KWIK72 wrote:
Thats a good start Glen, at least you got to make a full pass well I guess I kinda did.

I made a total of 6 passes and here are the averages for the day.

Tire spinning 1.57 60', 1/8 mile 7.33 @ 91.98 mph, 1/4 mile 12.74 @ 69 mph, no you didn't read it wrong.

Once it hooked and I shifted at 6350 RPM's and it fell on it's face out of gas about 250' from te 1/8 mile.

So my project is to find a fuel pump with some volume which the Holly Blue doesn't have :( so I can make a full pass.

Phil I am fairly suprised to hear the Holley blue couldn't keep up. Mine fed both my old 406 that ran 10.20s and the new 18° 406 that made 743hp and runs 9.70s I even ran the old motor through the stock 3/8 line from the stock tank. With the new motor I did switch to a 1/2" line. I was told I was having fuel supply issues last season when the car started poping at high RPM so I went out and bought a huge Areomotive pump that could probably double as a sump pump lol. Needless to say the pump didn't fix anything it ended up being a bad spark plug. The car didn't run any better with the new pump and actually the holley fuel pressure seemed to be more stable just my $ .02


P.S. glad to hear you got the car out though thats half the battle

Author:  GEARJAMMER EXPRESS [ Sep Thu 06, 2007 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

BT Race Cars wrote:
WOW I Must be all washed up.
:cry: Nobody even called to tell me they were going to the track. :evil:
glad you both finally made it out. :wink:

Bob check your email :oops: :cry: sorry bud

Author:  BT Race Cars [ Sep Thu 06, 2007 2:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

BT Race Cars wrote:
WOW I Must be all washed up.
:cry: Nobody even called to tell me they were going to the track. :evil:
glad you both finally made it out. :wink:

Bob check your email :oops: :cry: sorry bud

:wink: :wink:

Author:  Maliboost [ Sep Thu 06, 2007 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bob check your email :oops: :cry: sorry bud

I did, I dont see any emial. :?: :?: :?:

are you talking to Bob or boB?


Author:  bfnjz52 [ Sep Thu 06, 2007 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

What's an emial?

Author:  Keith Seymore [ Sep Fri 07, 2007 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Isn't that a large, flightless bird from Australia?

:?: :wink:

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