Ebay survey..
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Author:  RICK MILLER [ Apr Fri 13, 2007 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Ebay survey..

What's everyones feedback?


Author:  Maliboost [ Apr Fri 13, 2007 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

my feedback is that its fine for shopping around for prices, but I never buy anything off of it. I always buy directly from a vendor OR through web sites like this that I have a personal relationship with folks.


Author:  Scott Williams [ Apr Fri 13, 2007 3:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have purchased and sold a few items on ebay and have had very good success. No issues at all. Most of the items were under $100 so I wasn't to concerned but I am still leary about dealing with higher priced items on the internet. If it's a new item I am looking for I usually just price shop like Bob said.


Author:  Keith Seymore [ Apr Fri 13, 2007 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

135 (187 total positive).

I like it. My dad passed away a year ago and so I have been using ebay to clean up ('s been a year and I still have a ways to go...).

I don't have to drag all this stuff to a swap meet and sit in the hot sun all weekend, only to drag it all home again. I can do a little at a time and it keeps it from being so overwhelming.

I will admit that I am predominantly a "seller", and that the seller has the upper hand in these transactions.


Author:  bfnjz52 [ Apr Fri 13, 2007 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like it to. I don't understand the feedback system though. Take keith's. His rating in 135 but he has 187 positive feedback. How does that work? I'm not a big user. I have 31 transactions, 100% positive feedback but my feedback number is 30. I've sold a lot of 409 parts and bought stuff from a laptop to silver bells (Wife collects them) to car parts. I'm careful about who I deal with and usually ask a lot of questions before bidding.

Author:  docoldsotherhalf [ Apr Fri 13, 2007 9:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dick, if you have multiple sales from the same buyer/purchaser it only records one feedback into your count, kinda sucks :x

<<<<<<< at a measly 64, mostly buyer :oops:

Author:  bfnjz52 [ Apr Sat 14, 2007 7:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, that makes sense!

Thanks Shannon

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