I need your opinion...
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Author:  Susie [ May Wed 21, 2008 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  I need your opinion...

Let's say that at your office you have 3 bathrooms. One of them is for yours. It is not for public use. From time to time people that we do business with decide that they want to use it (even though it says employess only on the door). Simple solution... lock the door and no one can use. The problem is that the other people that use the bathroom (my brother in law and his brother) do not like to keep it locked because they sometimes have a hard time unlocking it. I am sorry but I put my naked butt on that toilet seat and I do not need nastly people coming in here and using the toilet.
So where is gets worse is today. I am sitting in my office and I hear the water running in the bathroom. I get up to turn the sink off and it was not the sink... it was the toilet. WTF... who goes to the bathroom and then washs their hands and does not realize that toilet is over flowing. The water gets rutn off and then my brother in law walks in and sees this and runs in back and gets the mop. The closet behind me has a carper shampooer so I figure I will just use that to suck up all the pee water. This whole time.. the person who is responsible for this is just standing there and watching. I am beyond mad right now. Not only does he just stand there with his thumb up his butt... he never said sorry or thank you. Am I wrong for being mad about this?

Author:  kireol [ May Wed 21, 2008 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: ... =100096427

12.99 + tax + 15 minutes tops to install.

problem solved

Author:  Susie [ May Wed 21, 2008 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am thinking that is the route that I am going to go.. the only problem is that I am not allowed to shop and home depot.

Author:  kireol [ May Wed 21, 2008 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

spending problems? ;)

Author:  docoldsotherhalf [ May Wed 21, 2008 3:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

No she used their restroom, only it wasn't the right restroom :shock:

Hi Susie :lol:

Author:  Susie [ May Wed 21, 2008 3:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Shannon...
Chris there is no reason for me to have a spending problem and home depot... that would imply that I am crafty or able to fix things myself... neither of those situations would apply to me.

My husband works for Menards... Home depot is their competetior.

Author:  kireol [ May Wed 21, 2008 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh. lol. so go to menards

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